After weeks of marathon painting sessions, I am in the home stretch and should have my last painting of 2009 completed within the next couple of days. In a week, the masses (or hopefully at least a small mass) will descend upon my studio to check out my new work. It has taken all the willpower and patience I have to not post photos of the new work these past few weeks, but I am determined to have the first showing of these new works to be in the flesh. As always, I'm anxious about the response, but I'm hoping for some encouragement - some confirmation that I'm on the right track. It's been quite an experience to work for so many months without any feedback. It has forced me to focus more than ever on what I want my work to be, without fear of poor grades or poor reviews. But once the work is done, there is no question that I want people (not all people of course, but at least a passionate few) to respond to my work, to feel something, to reassure me that it speaks to more than just my own cravings.